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ANY-maze includes a number of different statistical tests which it can use to analyse your data. As the system already knows certain things about the variables to analyse, such as whether they represent nominal data, whether there are repeated measures etc., it is able to choose an appropriate parametric or non-parametric test for itself – full details are given below.

Section 1

Analysis of nominal data

ANY-maze can perform one-way (but not two-way) analysis of nominal data, such as the first zone entered in a test. To do this it uses the tests shown in table 1. If the result of this analysis is significant (by default, p ≤ 0.05) and you’ve requested post-hoc analysis then the system will employ the tests shown in table 2.

Number of levels of independent variable  Number of levels of dependent variable Independent samples? Test
2 2 Yes Fisher exact test
No Cochran Q*
> 2 Yes Contingency table
No Cochran Q
> 2 2 Yes Contingency table
No Cochran Q
> 2 Yes Contingency table
No Not supported

Table 1. Tests used to perform one-way analysis of nominal data in ANY-maze.
*Strictly speaking this should be analysed using the McNemar test, but the Cochran Q test yields the same answer.


Number of levels of dependent variable Independent samples? Ns are equal? Test
2 Yes Not supported
No Yes Multiple comparisons of data subjected to the Cochran Q test (Marascuilo & McSweeney)
No Not supported
> 2 Yes Not supported
No Not supported

Table 2. Tests used to perform post-hoc analysis of nominal data in ANY-maze.


Section 2

Analysis of continuous data

ANY-maze can perform one-way parametric or non-parametric analysis of continuous data using the tests shown in table 3. For two-way analysis the tests used are shown in table 4. If the result of this analysis is significant (by default, p ≤ 0.05) and you’ve requested post-hoc analysis then the system will employ the tests shown in table 5.

Parametric data Number of levels of independent variable Independent samples? Test
Parametric 2 Yes t-test
No Paired sample t-test
> 2 Yes Between subjects ANOVA
No Within subjects ANOVA
Non-parametric 2 Yes Mann Whitney U
No Wilcoxon
> 2 Yes Kruskal Wallis
No Friedman

Table 3. One-way parametric and non-parametric tests used to analyse continuous data in ANY-maze.


Parametric data Independent samples? Test
Parametric Both IVs independent 2-way between subjects ANOVA
One IV independent 2-way between/within ANOVA
Neither IV independent 2-way within subjects ANOVA
Non-parametric Both IVs independent 2-way Kruskal Wallis
Either IV not independent Not supported

Table 4. Two-way parametric and non-parametric tests used to analyse continuous data in ANY-maze.


Parametric Comparison to control? Independent samples? Ns are equal? Test
Parametric Yes Dunnett
No Bonferroni


Fisher LSD



Student Newman Keuls (SNK)


Non-parametric Yes Not supported
No Yes Yes Non-parametric analogue of the SNK test
No Dunn
No Yes Non-parametric analogue of the Tukey test for repeated measures
No Not supported

Table 5. Post-hoc parametric and non-parametric tests used to analyse continuous data in ANY-maze.