Section 1
ANY-maze version 7 is only available as a 64-bit program. This differs to version 6 of ANY-maze, which was available as both a 32-bit and a 64-bit program.
Some older image capture and input/output devices that ANY-maze has previously supported are incompatible with the 64-bit version, and we are therefore designating them as ‘legacy’ devices. This means that they will only work with the 32-bit version 6 of ANY-maze; they won’t work with version 7 or above.
We are also designating Windows XP and Windows Vista as legacy operating systems, and these too will only work with the 32-bit version 6 of ANY-maze.
We will continue to produce maintenance releases of the 32-bit version 6 of ANY-maze until the end of June 2022, but new features will only be added to version 7 and above.
The rest of this document describes this legacy policy in more detail and explains how it may affect you.
Section 2
What does 32-bit and 64-bit actually mean?
32-bit and 64-bit simply define the amount of information that can be processed by a computer in one go. More bits means that data can be processed in larger chunks, and that a program can access more of the computer’s memory. In general: the more bits, the better the performance of your computer and its software.
Most modern computers are now 64-bit, and recent versions of Microsoft Windows have all been 64-bit operating systems. A 32-bit program can run on a 64-bit version of Windows, but it’s not as efficient as it could be.
Section 3
What’s this got to do with ANY-maze?
We have changed ANY-maze so it now runs as a 64-bit program. This should mean long-term compatibility with Windows, better performance, and the ability to use more of your computer’s memory.
However, ANY-maze relies on third-party software (called ‘drivers’) to talk to a number of the image capture and input/output devices that it uses. If a device is particularly old, the manufacturer may not have produced a 64-bit driver, and so the 64-bit version of ANY-maze won’t be able to communicate with it.
If you’re using any of these older, ‘legacy’ devices with ANY-maze, then you won’t be able to use the 64-bit version of ANY-maze and you’ll need to stick with the 32-bit version (version 6). However, bear in mind that we will only be maintaining this 32-bit version until the end of June 2022.
Section 4
Other legacy devices
We are also classifying some older image capture and input/output devices as legacy, even though they do have 64-bit drivers available. This applies to devices that have been discontinued by their manufacturers, are simply out-of-date, or are little used by ANY-maze customers. These devices will not be supported by the 64-bit version of ANY-maze.
Section 5
Legacy versions of Windows
Microsoft ended support for Windows XP in 2014 and for Windows Vista in 2017. Despite this, we have ensured that the 32-bit version of ANY-maze continues to work with them. However, the 64-bit version will only work with Windows 7 and above.
Section 6
End of 32-bit development
Development of the 32-bit version of ANY-maze has now ceased, and ANY-maze version 7 and above will only be produced as a 64-bit version. We will however, continue to maintain the 32-bit version until the end of June 2022.
This means that if you do use a legacy device or a legacy version of Windows, you will need to exchange it for a more modern alternative in order to use version 7 or above of ANY-maze.
Section 7
Which devices are affected?
The information below tells you about the various devices that are not supported by the 64-bit version of ANY-maze (version 7 and above), together with recommendations for devices you can use in their place.
National Instruments IMAQ digitizers
IMAQ digitizers are used to connect analogue cameras to a computer. Currently ANY-maze supports the following devices:
- PCI-1405 (discontinued model)
- PCI-1407 (discontinued model)
- PCI-1408 (discontinued model)
- PCI-1409 (discontinued model)
- PCI-1410 (discontinued model)
- PCI-1411 (discontinued model)
All of these are classified as obsolete by National Instruments, and they are all now considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze.
Recommended replacement: Picolo Alert PCIe digitizer
Data Translation digitizers
Data Translation digitizers are used to connect analogue cameras to a computer. Currently ANY-maze supports the following devices:
- DT3120 (discontinued model)
- DT3153 (discontinued model)
- DT3131 (discontinued model)
- DT3132 (discontinued model)
- DT3133 (discontinued model)
- DT3155 (discontinued model)
None of these devices are available any more, and they are all now considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze.
Recommended replacement: Picolo Alert PCIe digitizer
Euresys digitizers
Euresys digitizer boards are used to connect analogue cameras to a computer. Currently ANY-maze works with a wide range of these devices, and it will continue to support many of them. However, the following devices will now be considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze:
- Picolo (serial numbers below 6321) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 2 (serial numbers below 7145) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 3I (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 3E (discontinued model)
- Picolo Tetra-X (discontinued model)
- Picolo Tetra-X-RC (discontinued model)
- Picolo Jet X (discontinued model)
- Picolo Diligent (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: Picolo Alert PCIe digitizer
For the avoidance of doubt, the following Euresys digitizer boards will continue to be supported in the 64-bit version of ANY-maze:
- Picolo (serial numbers above 6321) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro2 (serial numbers above 7145) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Tetra (discontinued model)
- Picolo Junior4 (discontinued model)
- Picolo Alert (discontinued model)
- Picolo Alert PCIe
FireWire cameras
All firewire cameras are now considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze. Models affected:
- Unibrain Fire-i (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: ANY-maze USB camera
Axis network cameras
The Axis network cameras are now considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze. Models affected:
- Axis 210 camera (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: ANY-maze USB camera
The Switch & Sense 8/8
The Switch and Sense 8/8 is an I/O device with 8 opto-isolated inputs and 8 relay outputs, which connects to a USB port on your computer. Models affected:
- Switch and Sense 8/8 (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: The ANY-maze Digital Interface and/or the ANY-maze Relay Interface
The computer’s Parallel port
ANY-maze can use a parallel port as a simple I/O device – providing 4 TTL level inputs and 8 TTL level outputs. However, very few computers include a parallel (printer) port nowadays, and this is now considered to be a legacy device in ANY-maze.
Models affected:
- Parallel (printer) ports built into PCs
- Parallel (printer) ports on expansion cards
Recommended replacement: The ANY-maze Digital Interface
Input/output ports on Euresys Picolo digitizer cards
Some Euresys digitizer boards include general purpose input/output lines. Currently ANY-maze works with a wide range of these devices, and it will continue to support some of them. However, the following will now be considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze.
- Picolo (serial numbers below 6321) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 2 (serial numbers below 7145) (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 3I (discontinued model)
- Picolo Pro 3E (discontinued model)
- Picolo Tetra-X (discontinued model)
- Picolo Tetra-X-RC (discontinued model)
- Picolo Jet X (discontinued model)
- Picolo Diligent (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: The ANY-maze Digital Interface
Input/output ports on Axis network cameras
Some Axis network cameras include general purpose input/output lines. These cameras are now considered to be legacy devices by ANY-maze. Models affected:
- Axis 210 camera (discontinued model)
Recommended replacement: The ANY-maze Digital Interface
The Griffin AirClick remote control
This remote control device is no longer manufactured.
Recommended replacement: The ANY-maze Radio remote control
Section 8
To recap, the legacy devices listed above are not supported in the 64-bit version of ANY-maze (version 7 and above), but they are still supported in the 32-bit version (version 6).
We will stop providing maintenance releases of the 32-bit version (version 6) of ANY-maze at the end of June 2022, so you should aim to transition to version 7 before then (note that updates to the ANY-maze software are always free of charge). You will still be able to use the 32-bit version 6 after this date, but we would advise against it, as we will no longer be maintaining it.