The ANY-maze licence dongle is a hardware device that allows you to share a single ANY-maze license between multiple computers.
Normally you’d need to purchase an ANY-maze licence for all the computers that you’ll use to track animals. However, using the dongle (which looks much like a USB pen drive), you can share a single licence between multiple machines – whichever computer has the dongle plugged-in has the licence.
For example, let’s imagine you have two rooms, one containing your water-maze and the other your plus-maze. You have one computer in each room and you install ANY-maze on both computers. You could then purchase a single licence and a dongle (the dongle does cost a bit extra) and simply move the dongle between the two computers so as to share the licence.
It’s important to understand that you won’t be able to run tests on both computers at the same time (as only one of them can have the dongle plugged-in), but if that’s not a problem, then this is a great way to share an ANY-maze licence.
There’s more information about dongles here.
Note: ANY-maze does not require a dongle; you only need one if you want to share a licence between multiple computers in the same lab.