ANY-maze Operant interface
We’re excited to announce the immediate availability of the ANY-maze Operant interface, which is designed to connect ANY-maze to the popular range of Operant conditioning equipment from Med Associates.
Easy to set up
Standard operant components, such as levers, lights, pellet dispensers, etc. plug straight into the interface, which connects directly to the PC via USB.
You can tell ANY-maze about the components you have connected using a user-friendly configuration window and it then automatically adds all the components into your protocol ready to use.
The interface is compatible with the vast majority of Med Associates components – you’ll find the complete list here.
Easy to use
ANY-maze’s easy-to-use but powerful procedures can then be used to define how you’d like the components to work in your tests.
For example, the simple procedure shown here will wait until the lever is pressed and then either dispense a pellet or administer a shock, depending on the state of the stimulus light.
More information
- You’ll find more information about the Operant interface in the Equipment section of this website.
- To learn more about the great features of ANY-maze and how you could apply them to your operant conditioning experiments, check-out the Features section.
- If you plan to use ANY-maze just for Operant conditioning experiments, with out any video tracking, then you can take advantage of our very reasonably priced, I/O only licence, full details of which are in the Pricing section.